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 United Nations   

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Dancesteps (Suzan Konsalik)

delivered by Elizabeth Roosevelt-Johnston, on May 27, 2000

When the world grew desperate enough, excentric solutions were attempted.
The president started xylofone lessons, daily readings from Puschkin, and the I-Ching opened Parliament.
Every military installation in Africa was required to maintain a large aquarium.
On alternate days the Kremlin became an infant daycare facility.
Every Japanese citizen wrote weekly to a central-american penpal.
The Pope, towards China and Australia to present Charlie Chaplin clips and vegetable gardening tips.

Offcourse, there was protest and cynism, yet undeniably things had changed.

Newspapers reported the details of foreign dreams.
Summit meetings began by swimming laps
Acient Greek became the official language of Mexico and Argentina.
In Bombay a luau was given honoring Eskimos and telivised by satelite to Saudi Arabia.
Exactly what resulted from all these efforts was indeterment.

However, international opinion favoured further whimps,
Trees took on new statuer, animals were consulted, children held office, romantic love gained new respect.

The gold standard broadened,.....well water, new jokes and flower arrangement.

Subsequently, values changed.

Authority and innocence merged.
And it went on this way for a long time because everyone wanted a better story with a happier ending.

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History Nederland (dutch)

By Cees W. Boogaart,Oud-Vossemeer, NEDERLAND

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